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Our History

The First Church of God in Texas City, Texas, is affiliated with the Church of God based in Anderson, Indiana.


In 1916, four families acquainted with the Church of God and its Bible doctrine started their work in Texas City. With assistance by Reverend E. E. Byrum and H.E. Monk, they began holding meetings in their homes. On a cold Sunday in Febraury 1917, they held the first baptismal service -- in the bay!


Our church's first pastor was Robert A. Germany of Anderson, Indiana.  In early 1917, the church rented a former theater on Sixth Street and Second Avenue North before moving to the Gordy Grocery Store building on 13th Street and Third Avenue shortly after. It was here that Rev. Hiram Brooks held a revival in October of 1917 during which Mae Hudson and her daughters Mary, Rosa and Edith were saved.


Late in 1922, the church built a new home at 12th Street and 6th Avenue South. After the 1947 explosion, the church added classrooms, a kitchen, and a meeting room to the rear of the building. We remained at this location until 1963.


We held our first service in our present location on January 3, 1963. Our first pastor at this location was Rev. Marlin S. Jaynes, Jr., and the first wedding was that of Marlin S. Jaynes, Jr. and Karen Lindsey on June 4th, 1963.


In the mid-1970s, several classrooms and a recreation room were added to the rear of the church, where the Sunbeam Daycare provided childcare for working parents until the 1990s. In 1995, Johnny Angel began pastoring our church, where he has served ever since.


1918 -1921- Robert Germany
1921-1926 – Bro. Rutherford… David Hopkins
1926-1927 – Jesse Holms
1933-1935  -Bro. Cope
1936-1937  -Bro. Miller
1937-1940- Robert McKinney
1940-1943 -E. C. Lee
1943-1947- W. D. Thomason
1947-1950 – Wesley Hutchings
1950-1953 – Jesse E. Guest
1953-1960 – W. O. Myers
1960-1966 – Marlin S. Jaynes, Sr.
1966-1969 – E. C. Ogle
1969-1973 – C. W. Hawkins
1974- 1976- Terry Tope
1976-1976    Bill Hiddleson
1976- 1979 – W. Wright
1979-1983 – N. C. Middleton
1983- 1990 – W. Michael Withers
1990-1992 – Bob L. Arnold
1992- 1995 – Rickey Drake
1995 – present – Johnny Angel

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